Grow with Fab

Distributed Acceleration program for the Fab Lab Network. Grow With Fab supports the development and scaling of projects developed by students in the Academy of Almost Anything - Academany

The purpose is to nurture the development of projects within the Fab Lab Network, and to increase the impact of Fab Labs in society. The Grow With Fab aims to offer a distributed development platform for innovators and researchers within the Fab Lab network, in collaboration with worldwide experts in different fields of knowledge and practice, who want to bring projects initiated in the different Academany programs to the next step. The Grow With Fab is aimed to have multiple exits, it could be considered as an incubation/acceleration (business), research (education) or development (social) process to increase the impact of projects from the Fab Lab community.

2019 Projects

Post Install Automation by Jari Pakarinen

The Bits and Atoms Pen by Roberto Gallo

Cocoa Fermenter by Joze Lazarte

Ecotron by Esteban Gimenez

Basic Information

Course Length: 9 months. Beta year: September 2018 - June 2019

Tuition Fee: TBD

Language: English

Admission Requirements: Fab Academy, Bio Academy and Fabricademy graduates willing to continue research and development within the Fab Lab Network; Bachelor’s or higher degree in any design or engineering degree with Digital Fabrication and/or programming experience; Professionals with ITC, Biology, Engineering, Design, among other application interests.

Application: TBD


Jani Ylioja: jani.ylioja (at)
